Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Kanzo Uchimura Witticism Analects

Kanzo Uchimura Christian thinker Witticism17

The upcoming obtained more sincere credit, the best form of property

People If you and get the whole world, there is to the completion of the Hail not. Resistance to the purpose of what's Exhibition Alanya. Life if losing its soul to obtain the money

What is the most happiness for life? It is know your vocation, it is to transfer it to the run

One of the beauty of Eastern thought, you in the way of thinking that does not separate the economy and morality

Day forced to read the book is Nari day of the loss

War is now is of being fight for war, there is no once also had it once a war for peace

If Hassure the voice of joy joy of personality, it is people of grief if Hassure the voice of sorrow

We go to where you hate to go with other people. The Nase that you dislike the other person

One day is a precious life. You should not be wasting it

Smile will become large force, it is a force to solve the Kenpyo of spring wind Gotoshi. Mind

Hireling shalt think brother. Guests shalt treat as a family

Shalt rely on the self, and shalt not rely on others

The poor are free of companion. Bindings are associated with wealth. Wealth are those made of people. Therefore one of the happiness of the rich in some it is woefully difficult to leave than the shackles of this world. The poor, and the world There it is that it does not request his companionship

Wealth also property becomes. Knowledge Nari property. Health also property becomes. Talent property will. Will also serving as Nari property. Thus the reason why over the other property of the will, as having this many people, this himself It is another object can be used to leave the desire

Love without fear. The Nari if accustomed best morality

Home is by taking a large number Japanese maximum is where patience is lost in processing Naru happiness

Politics there is ambition, there is a good bet, there is a founding, political love clean, it is not a place you want and do enter the innocence of Motomuru person

Kanzo Uchimura Uchimura career (Profile)

[1861 - 1930] Christian thinker, literary, evangelist, Bible scholar of Japanese. Born in Edo Koishikawa of samurai tenement as the eldest son of Takasaki samurai. Copyright "typical Japanese", "Motome-yasu-roku" "lysophosphatidic theory" such as

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